Factors Influencing the Success Rate of IVF Procedure

When one is trying to get pregnant, it can be extremely frustrating to face various obstacles. Some people fail to conceive through natural means, while others are unable to carry a pregnancy to term. Each situation is equally harrowing and causes a lot of emotional stress to any couple. Facing fertility issues when all one wants is to start or expand one’s family can prove to be a bitter pill to swallow. However, if you do not have any answers to your troubles, it might be worth the effort to consult the best IVF centre in Punjab. Not only will one be able to identify the root cause of the issues, but also gain access to various treatment options. 


One of the most widely known and prominently used assisted reproductive technologies is the IVF treatment procedure. It holds the capacity to bypass numerous issues when it comes to infertility. From tubal blockage to excessive hormonal fluctuation in the body, IVF is capable of dealing with most hindrances when it comes to conception. By consulting a low cost IVF centre, one can begin their journey towards parenthood at a much more accessible rate.


However, there are numerous factors that can affect and influence the success rate of an IVF procedure. Before one starts, it is imperative to be aware of all the factors that can swing the pendulum in one’s favour or stack it up against you. Following are some of the aspects that can influence the outcome of this procedure.


As much as one tries to deny it, age plays a huge role in the success of an IVF cycle. If the eggs are retrieved beyond a certain threshold, chances are that they might not be as viable when it comes to the process of fertilisation. If one does not plan to get pregnant in their late 20s and early 30s, a low cost IVF centre would often recommend that one chooses to freeze their eggs when the body is capable of producing healthy eggs.

Lifestyle Choices 

How one leads one’s life in the lead-up to and during the IVF procedure can severely impact the results of the treatment. If one engages in excessive drinking of alcohol, smoking cigarettes and caffeine, it can lead to a failed IVF cycle. One also needs to ensure that one keeps one’s body active before and during the IVF procedure for better hormone regulation. 

Quality of Eggs and Sperms Used 

Another important aspect affecting the result of the IVF procedure is the quality of eggs and sperm used for it. If the eggs and sperm used are not viable enough to thoroughly conduct the process of fertilisation, it can lead to a failed IVF cycle. If there are any doubts, IVF & fertility experts often recommend using donated eggs and sperm.

Type of Fertility Issue 

Another important consideration is to analyse what type of fertility issues one is facing when undergoing IVF treatment. It is important to identify whether one’s issues can be addressed via IVF in the first place. For example, if the issue seems to be the motility of the sperm, chances are only IVF might not help in this scenario. Taking the add-on ICSI treatment might be the solution here. 

Reproductive History of the Patient 

The patient’s reproductive history matters a lot. If the patient has been capable of carrying a pregnancy to term before, chances of success with IVF are increased. However, if the patient has had multiple miscarriages, they would require specialised treatment such as PGT-A, PGT-M, PGT-SR and ERA to help them progress with the pregnancy.


As one prepares themselves for beginning or expanding their family, one might find themselves facing the issues of infertility. It can be an extremely difficult reality to accept when all one really wants is to conceive and have a normal pregnancy. It is vital to note here that all hope is not lost – help is available for all those who seek it. By consulting the best IVF centre in Punjab, you might not only be able to identify and diagnose fertility issues but also receive the possibility of treatment.


However, IVF is influenced by numerous factors. By being aware of all the aspects that can have an impact on the procedure, one can be careful and change their habits as much as possible. From one’s age, the ability of the body to maintain and regulate hormones and other mitigating factors – all of them can influence the outcome of your IVF cycle.