The Truth About Replica Bags in Dubai: Quality vs. Price

More well-known as the richest city in the world, Dubai strives to attract clients of the highest standard and in the process, as one of the renowned centers for luxury shopping, it contains many worthy brands and designers. From sky-high retail outlets and shopping centers to expensive and high-end garments, it is quite apparent as to why the place is a paradise for shoppers. However, there is an ongoing debated business issue that is not as flamboyant, but is rather common in its presence; and that is the business of replica bags. These replicas which are mass-produced to resemble similar expensive brands, are cheap and easily accessible in Dubai resulting in the intrigue of price versus quality.

This is where the excuse for such kind of marketing strategies is used to promote the product. In this paper, we will talk about replica bags in dubai sold in Dubai. We will cover their overall quality and price and what ethical norms are violated in the process of selling and manufacturing these bags.

The Marks of Replica Bags

A chunk of Dubai’s replica bags market consists of three factors, the love for the sophisticated brand which the city is known for, the exorbitant price that is attached to the original designer brands and their products, and lastly fake brands that are readily available at cheaper rates.

Designer first copy bags are always a dream for many people. However, rethinking the luxury status they carry, presents a challenge for many. A few genuine and luxurious ones include Chanel, Gucci, and Louis Vuitton with prices starting in thousands. Understanding this problem, manufacturers, and fashionistas have developed replica bags. These allow individuals to imitate status objects without draining their pockets.

Dubai is a shopper’s paradise, attracting both locals and foreigners looking for bargains. While the originals have their admirers, replicas attract attention of numerous for their apparent economic advantage. In Dubai, quite a few places, including the well-known Gold Souk and numerous bazaars, extremely cheap fake products are sold. Some of them are really inferior fakes while others manage to be really close to the originals.

The Quality of Replica Bags

The most significant aspect when talking about replicas are the quality of the replica bags in Dubai. Depending on the target market, the manufacturers could use cheaper materials such as synthetic leather, cheap artificial fabric, and low-quality metal components. Such bags tend to be presentable from outwards, but with wear and layers these bags tend to fall apart and become unusable. Stitches can come out, colours can be lost, and the basic shape of the bag as well as its overall construction can be compromised after just several uses.

The other extreme is represented by replica bags called super fakes. Such bags have also been produced in the past and these bags are of ‘superio’ quality. The materials used to make these replicas are much higher quality than regular leather and have more accurate stitching and hardware as well as the bag’s brand. A few of these are made in very few batches and hence they become inaccessible to find the replicas. These bags are sold at a higher price when compared to the frauds but they are still cheaper than original ones.

However, though there are remarkably good replicas that imitate the real ones, they still are not at the same level as authentic high-end bags in terms of resilience and quality. Designer labels put a lot of emphasis on several areas such as quality control, expensive raw materials as well as creative and experienced workers. One way or another, as skilled as a copy may be, it will never be able to reach the level of durability and detail work present in a genuine designer piece.

Cost: What Are You Actually Purchasing?

The most major selling point of the fake bags is their accessibility due to price. The prices for real designer bags range in the hundreds or even thousands, but fake or imitation bags can be purchased at a very low price. For instance, one can get a Louis Vuitton real handbag for around two thousand dollars or more, while a decent quality fake may be priced between a hundred and five hundred dollars. The difference in prices is vast, and saving money is an attractive proposition for a lot of buyers.

Still, it is worth looking at what the customer is paying with replica bags. Replicas come at a less price but on the other hand it means no authenticity, no craftsmanship and no after sales service of the original product. More, when one decides to buy an expensive designer bag one is investing much more than just in a bag rather in a brand’s,’ its history, quality and precision. With replicas, you lose out on these advantages which is more likely to mean that your resale value will be low or there will be absent of proper customer service or satisfaction in future when the bag is old and worn out.

Not only this, some of the buyers preferences on replicas being cheap, however, it’s always risky to do so. Many countries including UAE see counterfeit goods and fake replicas are illegal, and selling or buying of these goods can attract legal implications. There is low or no level of enforcement more often than not but it is nevertheless worth remembering when selling or buying these goods.


Apart from quality and price considerations, there are a few moral issues that come with the purchase of a reincarnation of the bag. To purchase a fake brand can be considered to be promoting a black market that violates real designers and artisans’ creativity and hard work. The world of fashion has put in millions of pounds into research and product development, and fake products frustratingly hamper the returns that they can rightfully yield.

More so, many fake items are made from countries that practice unfair labor morals – “sweat shops”. The manufacturers of the imitated handbags are known to employ hostile environments, paying low wages as well as having minimal enforcement of safety and rights issues. When people buy fake products, they promote the extractive model which enhances low wages and mistreatment of workers.

The Verdict: Should You Invest In A Replica Bag In Dubai Even If It’s Illegal?

Ultimately, people have different opinions when it comes to the topic of the purchase of a replica bag in the city of Dubai which is actually Hong Kong but it is important to look at both sides. Considering that a hyper-realistic and high-quality copy of a designer handbag is available, if one does not care about authenticity, longevity of the product, and ethical options, then it would be much more economical to simply buy a cheap replica. But it seems to us that, particularly if a person has more appreciation for quality, the real experience of using a luxury item would be more valuable than just owning one as a piece which is why it is worth it to actually spend that amount of money in the first place as there would be several genuine items available for that amount.

In any case, one has to understand and accept the fact as to what choices one is making in case replica’s over genuine designer bags are chosen or the other way round. Especially in the city of Dubai as the luxury is only a call away so it is important to think deeply what are the reasons you have spent the entire amount of money for, apart from the item.